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Clean Break with Matt Gondek

Dec 16, 2019

James Jirat - Australian Pop Artist

We speak to James about his time in Thailand, working on his INFERNO exhibition. We also speak about how he developed his style, handling commissions, and how an artist can get management. 

Cohosted by @PaulJacksonLives


Dec 9, 2019

Patches and Pins Expo.

This week on the podcast we talk with Shaun about The Patches and Pins expo. This year the Expo takes place at The Reef - 1933 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90007. Saturday December 14th and 15th. 

IG: @patchesandpins_expo

Dec 3, 2019

fnnch - San Fransisco based Street Artist.

We talk to fnnch about the San Francisco art scene (and it's loopholes), how he began putting his work in the streets, and the logistics of building large sculptures for burning man. 

IG: @fnnch